Washington Award Ceremony
Dan Bricklin's pictures of receiving the Washington Award from the Western Society of Engineers along with Bob Frankston on February 22, 2001 (Washington's Birthday). Start here.

About the award
To quote the Western Society of Engineers' web site:

The Washington Award was established by the Western Society of Engineers in 1916 to honor the “devoted, unselfish, and preeminent service in advancing human progress.” It was named after the nation's first president who was an engineer. It is one of the country's first world-class engineering awards.

We received it, they wrote:

For their invention of the first computer spreadsheet software program, which led to the proliferation of the computer industry, which in turn led to the economic expansion of the late 20th century.

This web photo album has lots of pictures and is written for my family, friends, and anybody else who may be interested.

Note: There are 10-20 pictures per page here, at about 10KB or so per picture.

Morning at the Massachusetts Software and Internet Council
Attending another event and giving an award
Getting Ready
Before the ceremony in Chicago, including the publicity shots
The Ceremony
Pictures from the ceremony

(c) Copyright 2001 Daniel S. Bricklin
All Rights Reserved.
See also: www.bricklin.com and danbricklin.com/log