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Sunday  [sunday.htm]
Here are some pictures to start. They were taken after I registered while waiting for the first session to start Sunday afternoon:

Doc Searls and Cory Doctorow and crowd:


Esther and Daphne getting ready:


People file into the big room, and Esther starts the conference:


The first session was a conversation and Q&A with Paul Otellini of Intel. Quote: "You can't fight Moore's Law."


Questions came from, among others, Doc, Bob Frankston, Michael Miller, David Kirkpatrick, and Cory:


The second speaker was Tim Berners-Lee. His slides are on the W3C web site. It was all about the Semantic Web.


Larry Ellison didn't make it to give his talk about centralized databases. His personal plane wouldn't start, we were told...

Chris Chafe of Stanford let us listen to pings going through the web:


Afterwards there was a buffet dinner outside:



That's it for Sunday.

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